Should I Trade In My Car Or Sell It?

Should I Trade In My Car Or Sell It

Can’t make your mind up as to whether to trade in or sell your car?

Well, we are here to help!

This article will discuss the major factors you need to consider and hopefully simplify what can be a difficult decision. After reading all we have to say you should be able to make the best decision for your own individual circumstance.

So, turn the key, and get ready to take control of your car’s future!

Your Circumstance

The biggest difference between the two is that trade-in offers can only be used towards purchasing a car from that same dealer. So, if you are interested in a new car from them, trading it in might be the way to go!

However, if you are not interested in buying a new car or just want to browse the market? That’s where selling to an online dealership comes in. You can get a great price for your car with just a few simple clicks! And the best part? Many buyers will even come to you to pick up the car, making the process as easy as pie.


It’s no secret that you’ll likely get more cash in hand if you sell privately compared to trading it in with a dealer or selling it to an online car-buying service. This is especially true for newer, more valuable, and more in-demand vehicles. Although, the difference may not be as substantial if your car isn’t worth a lot.

The difference in return mainly comes down to the fact that dealers and other buyers need to make a profit on the car they purchase, so they offer a lower price and create slightly better margins. But, if you have a new model or more value and a current car, the difference in return could be substantial

Most importantly, the choice comes down to you. You will need to figure out if the extra money you could get from a private sale is worth the extra time and effort, you’ll need to put in. For someone who knows what they are doing and has some extra time, it may make sense to consider the private route. For someone who has little knowledge and is just looking to get rid of their car as quickly as possible may look towards trading it in.

Why the difference in price, you ask? It’s all about the bottom line for dealers and other buyers. They need to make a sizeable enough profit when they resell the car, and that’s why there tends to be a difference. Let us now turn to all the little details and vital information you need.

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In general, it is quicker to sell your car through trade, rather than sell it privately. There’s no need to spend time and energy listing it online or showing it to multiple private buyers. The trade-in process can often be completed in a single visit.

The dealership will handle all the time-consuming paperwork for you and provide a quote on the spot. However, this option saves a lot of time and simplifies the process it more than likely comes at a cost. You may not receive as much cash for your trade-in compared to selling it on your own or through an online car buyer.

Why Does It Take More Time?

Selling a car privately can be a bit of a wild ride, as compared to trading it in or selling it to an online car buying service. It’s unlikely to find the perfect buyer who will appreciate the car as much as you do.

You’ll need to roll up your sleeves and put in some elbow grease, listing your ride on multiple platforms, going back and forth with potential buyers, giving test drives, and handling all the paperwork. It requires patience, persistence, and a good dose of paperwork savvy.

But hey, the journey to find the right buyer can be a fun one, and you may get a better payout in the end!

Popularity & Condition

Popularity plays a huge role when it comes to selling your car privately! It is more likely that your car will sell faster if it is in demand. Meaning that the more interest there is in your model, the faster it should sell. Also, popularity plays a huge role in the price you can sell your car for.  Take for example the newest iPhone that is realized. Due to the high demand for apple products, they can charge higher prices and sell their products instantly. Using the same logic here, the higher the demand the higher the price tends to be.

This is because people love and desire popular vehicles, making them highly sought after by potential buyers. The same logic can be applied to cars that are less desirable. For example, if it’s a less popular model and there isn’t much interest in the car. Then you may struggle to sell it quickly or for a decent price.

The popularity of your car can also affect the amount of competition you’ll face from other sellers and your bargaining power when negotiating with buyers. In conclusion, having a popular vehicle means more eyes on it, which increases the chances of a successful and profitable private sale!

The condition of your car matters when you’re ready to sell it! Think of it like this: a car in tip-top shape is like a shiny apple on a stand at the market – it’ll catch everyone’s eye and be the first one to sell. Meanwhile, a car in rough shape is like a bruise on that same apple – no one wants to take it home.

The condition of your car affects its value and desirability to potential buyers. A car in good condition also means fewer worries about mechanical issues, making it a more attractive option for buyers. Remember, first impressions are everything. This is applicable for both selling privately and trading it in a dealership.

Final Thoughts

Quick pro tip, it would be sensible to get a free valuation before selling your car and be sure to do your due diligence.

Take a little time to explore your options online and get an estimate of what you could sell your car for privately and how quickly it might sell. Remember, trading in your car is always an option. Make an informed decision that works best for you and your ride!

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