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Sleep Apnea Dental Appliance Over The Counter

sleep apnea

Sleep apnea is a potentially devastating sleep disorder. It is characterized by interrupted breathing. In this case, the affected patient’s breathing starts and stops involuntarily and repeatedly. Then again, the affected person also feels tired even after a complete night’s sleep. There are many possible interventions of mitigating it.

Of these, the administration of dental appliances particularly stands out. We want to acquaint you with all that you may need to know regarding this appliance. That is why we have researched, found, and are going to provide answers to some of the frequently asked questions here below.


Let’s take a look now at the frequently asked questions about this subject matter:

Q1. Can the dentist tell if you have sleep apnea?

A. As hinted above, sleep apnea and dental issues are to some extent inter-twined. That means a dentist can tell whether or not someone has the condition. You are highly advised though not to stop at that. That means you still have approached a bona fide sleep specialist to dispel the doubt.

Q2. Can a dentist treat sleep apnea?

A. NO! A dentist is only allowed to diagnose but never to treat the condition. Nonetheless, the dentist may, under extreme conditions, administer relevant oral appliances. Still, you will have to approach a qualified sleep specialist to have the condition effectively mitigated.

Q3. Can a mouth guard stop sleep apnea?

A. To some extent, YES! Mouthguards do reduce snoring while also relieve the severity of obstructive sleep apnea. These two have the impact of freeing the airways to allow for the smooth passage of air while also suppressing the difficulties that come along with breathing.

Q4. Do sleep apnea dental appliances work?

A. YES, they do! When worn on the mouth, these appliances have the joint abilities to free the airways, mitigate snoring and diminish the pains that contribute to the menace of sleep apnea. They nevertheless have to be put on by qualified dentists or orthodontists.

Q5. Does dental insurance cover sleep apnea dental appliances?

A. YES, they do! Many insurance companies have policies that cover such gadgets. It is up to you to find out whether your company indeed has a policy in place for them or not. Of course, you have to make separate arrangements to have them given the proper coverage.

Q6. Which is better CPAP or oral appliance?

A. For one, CPAP stands for ‘continuous positive airway pressure therapy.’ Generally, oral appliances are better as they are simpler and more convenient to fix on the mouth. That they are cheaper makes them all the handier for those with lower incomes.

Q7. How many hours per night should CPAP be used?

A. 7 1/2 hours a night, it is! It is only then that the necessary impacts may be leveraged to the maximum. Pay attention also to the instructions that govern the use to prevent a situation in which you may put them on recklessly and suffer untold consequences thereafter.

Q8. Where may I obtain the sleep apnea dental appliances?

A. You may obtain the device from many areas. That stems from the fact that it is an over-the-counter gadget i.e. it may be bought without any prior doctor’s approval. Some of the places you may find it is chemists, pharmacies, and online auction sites.

Q9. How much does a dental appliance for sleep apnea cost?

A. Be prepared to part with around $1,800 – $2,000 to afford a dental appliance for sleep apnea. Please note that this cost is comprehensive as it covers the dental visits, the actual mouthpiece, and the associated follow-ups. Take up an insurance cover to drive the costs down.

Q1O. What are the best brands of sleep apnea dental appliances in 2021?

A. Some of the best brands of sleep apnea dental appliances in 2021 are:


We bring to closure our discussions about the sleep apnea dental appliances over the counter to an end there. At least you now know where to start, don’t you? Proceed now with full confidence and implement the insights you have obtained above to your unique situations.

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