Why do Dachshunds Sleep So Much?

Have you noticed that your dachshund sleeps a lot? You might be asking, “Is this normal?” You’re not alone. Many dachshund owners wonder why their dogs sleep so much. This article will help you understand why dachshunds sleep more than some other dogs, what’s normal, and when to worry. Let’s get started.

Natural Sleep Patterns in Dogs

Wondering why your dachshund is sleeping so much? Before we dive into that, let’s talk about how much dogs in general usually sleep. Adult dogs typically sleep between 12 to 14 hours a day. Puppies and older dogs might sleep even more—up to 18 or 20 hours!

Now, where do dachshunds stand in all this? You’ll find that dachshunds often sleep on the higher end of the average range, sometimes even clocking in 15 hours of sleep a day. Don’t be too surprised if your little pal loves to curl up in their cozy bed.

The Dachshund Breed

Read more about Why Dachshunds Are the Worst Breed.

Physical Characteristics


To understand why dachshunds sleep as much as they do, it’s helpful to look at their unique physical traits. Dachshunds have a distinct body shape that sets them apart from most other dog breeds, and this can have an impact on their sleep habits.

Short Legs and Long Body

Dachshunds have short legs and a long body. This makes them really good at digging and getting into small spaces, but it can also tire them out more quickly. Short legs mean they have to take more steps to go the same distance as a larger dog, and that can be exhausting!

Muscle Structure

These little guys have strong muscles that help them dig and run fast in short bursts. However, muscles need time to rest and recover, which is another reason why your dachshund might be napping so often.


Dachshunds have a pretty normal metabolic rate for their size. But if they’re not as active or are eating more than they should, they might sleep more to conserve energy.

Spinal Considerations

Dachshunds have a unique spinal structure that makes them prone to back issues. Sometimes, they may choose to sleep or rest more to avoid putting too much strain on their backs.

Why Do Dachshunds Sleep So Much? Top Reasons

#1. Need for Rest

Dachshunds are lively and playful, but those bursts of energy can wear them out. Because they use up so much energy when they’re awake, they need more time to rest and recover. Think of it like recharging a battery—once they’re fully charged, they’re ready to play again!

#2. Instinctual Behavior

Remember, dachshunds were originally bred for hunting. In the wild, they would conserve energy between hunts. This instinct still exists in modern dachshunds, making them more inclined to rest when they’re not active.

#3. Age

Young puppies and older dachshunds generally sleep more than adults. Puppies can sleep up to 20 hours a day, while senior dogs might need more rest due to health issues or lower energy levels.

#4. Environment

A comfortable, quiet environment will encourage more sleep. If the home is noisy or stressful, your dachshund might sleep less.

#5. Diet

What your dachshund eats can also affect how much they sleep. A balanced diet helps, but too many treats or unhealthy food can lead to weight gain and more sleep to conserve energy.

#6. Exercise

Physical activity plays a big role. A dachshund that gets regular exercise will have better sleep quality but might not necessarily sleep more hours overall.

#7. Comfort

Dachshunds love comfort and will often seek out the coziest spot in the house for a snooze. If they find a comfortable spot, they’re more likely to stay there and sleep longer.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

How many hours do your dachshunds sleep daily?

Dachshunds usually sleep between 12 to 16 hours a day. This can vary based on their age, activity level, and health.

At what age do dachshunds calm down?

Dachshunds typically start to calm down around 1 to 2 years old. However, each dog is different, so this can vary.

Why do dachshunds sleep under blankets?

Dachshunds like to sleep under blankets for warmth and comfort. This behavior also mimics their instinctual desire to burrow, which is a trait from their hunting days.

How long do dachshunds need to be walked?

A daily walk of 30 minutes to an hour is usually sufficient for most dachshunds. Again, this can vary based on the dog’s age and health.

Do dachshunds prefer one person?

Yes, dachshunds often bond closely with one person and may show a preference for spending time with that individual.


So, why do dachshunds sleep so much? Well, it’s a mix of their unique body shape, their original purpose as hunting dogs, and even their comfort-loving personalities. Sleeping 12 to 16 hours a day is usually normal for these little guys, but always pay attention if you notice any sudden changes. Whether you’re a dachshund owner or just a fan, knowing about their sleep habits can help you better understand and care for these adorable dogs. Thanks for reading, and here’s to many more cozy naps for your dachshund!

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