Why Do Yorkies Lick So Much?

Why Do Yorkies Lick So Much

If you’re a Yorkie owner, you’ve likely noticed your furry friend’s love for licking. Whether it’s your face, hands, or furniture, Yorkies seem to have an insatiable urge to lick everything in sight. But why do Yorkies lick so much? Let’s delve into the reasons behind this behavior and discuss how to manage it effectively.

Understanding the Licking Behavior in Animals

Licking is a natural behavior observed in various animals, including dogs, cats, horses, and cows. This instinctive behavior serves multiple purposes:

1. Communication

Animals use licking as a mode of communication. For instance, a mother dog licks her puppies to groom them and express affection. Conversely, a dominant dog may lick a subordinate dog’s face as a sign of dominance.

2. Grooming

Some animals groom themselves by licking. Cats, for example, spend a significant amount of time licking their fur to keep it clean and tangle-free.

3. Bonding and Affection

A lick can signify friendship and strengthen social bonds between animals. Dogs lick their owners to express love and seek attention.

4. Taste and Exploration

Animals use their sense of taste to explore their surroundings. Dogs may lick the ground to taste and explore different scents.

5. Medical Reasons

Licking can also have medical benefits. Cows lick their wounds to promote healing and reduce the risk of infections. Dogs may also lick their wounds, which helps remove debris and stimulate blood flow.

Why Do Yorkies Lick So Much?

Yorkies, like other dogs, lick for various reasons. However, their licking behavior can become excessive due to several factors:

1. Medical Issues

Excessive licking could be due to medical issues such as allergies, dental problems, or anxiety. If your Yorkie is constantly licking a specific area, it may indicate an underlying medical condition. In such cases, consult a veterinarian for proper diagnosis and treatment.

2. Social Behavior

Yorkies are affectionate and social dogs who express their love through licking. This behavior is a part of their personality and a way for them to bond with their owners.

3. Grooming

Dogs groom themselves by licking. Yorkies, with their long, silky coats, may lick themselves to keep their fur clean and free of tangles.

How to Manage Excessive Licking in Yorkies

While licking or Urinating is natural for dogs. Excessive licking can lead to health problems such as skin irritation, hot spots, and infections. Here are some strategies to manage excessive licking in your Yorkie:

1. Identify the Cause

Before you can address your dog’s excessive licking, you need to identify the cause. Common causes include allergies, anxiety, boredom, and pain.

2. Provide Distractions

One way to reduce excessive licking is to provide distractions for your Yorkie. Toys, puzzles, or interactive games can keep your dog occupied and mentally stimulated, reducing the likelihood of excessive licking.

3. Train Your Dog

Training your Yorkie to stop licking on command can be a helpful solution. Use positive reinforcement techniques, such as providing a treat when they stop licking on command.

4. Use Bitter Sprays

Bitter sprays can deter dogs from licking or chewing on certain objects. Apply a bitter spray to furniture, shoes, or other objects your Yorkie licks excessively.


Understanding why Yorkies lick so much is crucial for their health and happiness. By identifying the root cause of their licking behavior and taking appropriate steps to manage it, you can provide your furry friend with the best possible care and improve their quality of life.

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