How to Treat a Chemical Burn on Face from Skincare?

Chemical Burn on the Face

Chemical burns on the face can be painful, unsightly, and potentially damage your skin’s health. Whether caused by a skincare product gone wrong or an accidental spill, knowing “How to treat a chemical burn on the face from Skincare” is crucial to minimize the damage and promote healing. 

Chemical burns can happen on the face due to different skincare items like toners, facial cleansers, sunscreen, and even peels. These products contain harsh chemicals like acids, retinoids, and benzoyl peroxide that can damage the skin if used incorrectly or in excess. 

By the end of this blog, following these steps and taking preventative measures, you can effectively treat and prevent chemical burns on the face from skincare, ensuring your skin stays healthy and glowing.

Types of Chemicals That Cause Damage to Skin

Chemicals present in skincare products can cause burns on the sensitive skin of the face. The chemicals responsible for these burns can vary from acids such as:

  • Glycolic Acid 
  • Salicylic
  • Alkaline Compounds 
  • Lye and Ammonia 
  • Hydrogen Peroxide
  • Benzoyl Peroxide
  • Formaldehyde

It is crucial to know about the different types of chemicals that can cause burns on the face to prevent and treat these burns. By carefully reading product labels and researching the ingredients in skincare products, individuals can avoid using products that contain harmful chemicals.

Common Symptoms

One of the most common signs of chemical burns is Itching and soreness in the injured area. This can also cause a stinging or burning sensation on your face. The affected area may also feel tight and dry, and individuals may experience itching or a sensation of tightness or discomfort in the affected area.

If you notice a chemical burn on the face, it’s recommended to take a medical consultation immediately. If you get a burn, a healthcare professional can check how bad it is and give you the right treatment. They might clean the area that’s burnt, put on some cream to help it heal, and give you something to make the pain go away.

How to Prevent Chemical Burns from Skin Care?

Taking care of our skin is important, but it is important to do so safely and responsibly to prevent chemical burns. Follow these tips to prevent chemical burns from skincare:

  1. Read labels carefully and learn about the acids and chemicals used in the product. So you can avoid any dangerous chemicals in skincare products.
  2. Patch test new products before using a new product, it’s a good idea to perform a patch test on a small area of your skin.
  3. Follow the instructions that are provided with the skincare products you use. Pay attention to the recommended application time, frequency, and dosage.
  4. Use sunscreen to protect your face from ultraviolet rays according to your skin type to prevent the chances of skin allergies.

How to Treat a Chemical Burn on the Face from Skincare?

  • Wash your face with ice water for a while, avoid warm water as it can cause more damage to the burn area.
  • Simply wipe the burned skin with a soft towel. Don’t rub it, or it could get more irritated.
  • Put some cream or ointment with aloe vera or hydrocortisone on the burn. This can help your skin feel better and heal faster.

Make sure you apply the cream or ointment as it says. Avoid scratching or picking at the area where you have a burn. So, it’s best to cover it with a clean bandage to keep it safe from further harm.

Home Remedies for Treatment

Home remedies can help make the sore or painful parts of your body feel better and help them heal faster. Some useful remedies you can use for chemical burns are mentioned below.

Aloe Vera

Aloe vera has something inside it that can help calm down our skin. To use it, you can cut a piece of the plant and put the gooey stuff on the part of your skin that hurts or is red, then wash it gently.

Coconut Oil

Coconut oil has special fats that can make your skin healthy and soft. Just take a little bit of coconut oil and rub it gently on the part of your skin that needs help and wash it after a few minutes.


Honey is a special natural ingredient that can help you stay healthy. It has something called “antibacterial properties” that can stop bad germs from growing on your skin and help your wounds heal faster.


If you accidentally get a burn on your face from a chemical, cucumbers can help you feel better. Just cut a fresh cucumber into slices and put them on the burn for a little bit.


To make your skin feel better if it’s irritated, you can use a special mask made from oatmeal and water. Just mix them, put the mixture on the spot that’s bothering you, and let it sit for a little bit. Then, wash it with fresh water.

Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil is a natural oil with natural healing factors. Just put a little amount of tea tree oil with other oil you like and apply it softly to the burned area.

Witch Hazel

Witch hazel is a natural treatment that can help with chemical burns on the face. To use it, you can apply witch hazel to the affected area using a cotton ball or pad and leave it on.

Cold Compress

There’s a simple and natural way to help make it feel better. Just wrap some ice cubes in a clean cloth and put it on the hurting spot for a little while. This is called a ‘cold compress.’ It can help reduce swelling and take away some of the pain.


Chemical burns on the face from skincare can cause significant damage to the skin’s health and appearance. Knowing “How to treat a chemical burn on the face from skincare” is crucial to minimize the damage and promote healing. If you do experience a chemical burn, rinse the affected area with cool water for at least 20 minutes, pat the area dry, and apply a soothing ointment or cream. 

Additionally, home remedies such as aloe vera, coconut oil, honey, cucumber, oatmeal, and tea tree oil can be effective in promoting healing and reducing inflammation. 

Seeking medical attention for severe chemical burns is always advisable to ensure appropriate treatment. By taking care of your skin and being cautious with skincare products, you can prevent chemical burns and maintain healthy, glowing skin.