Why Does Yoga Make Me Nauseous?

Why Does Yoga Make Me Nauseous

Yoga is a popular exercise that has been practiced for centuries, known for its numerous physical and mental health benefits. However, it can sometimes be a source of frustration, especially for those new to the practice. If you’re feeling nauseous during or after yoga, you’re not alone; this is a common complaint among practitioners.

So, why does yoga make some people feel nauseous? There are several possible explanations. One reason is that certain yoga poses, particularly those involving twists or inversions, can exert pressure on the stomach and digestive organs, leading to discomfort or even nausea. Another potential cause is dehydration. Sweating during yoga can result in the loss of fluids and electrolytes, which may lead to feelings of nausea among other symptoms.

In this article, we will delve into the reasons behind nausea during yoga and offer suggestions on how to prevent it. Let’s explore in detail why yoga might make you feel nauseous and how you can avoid it.

What Causes Nause after Yoga?

Are you here to know, “Why does yoga make me nauseous” In this article, we’ll explore some of the potential causes of feeling nauseous after yoga and provide you with some tips to alleviate it.

Practicing on a Full Stomach

One of the most common causes of feeling nauseous after yoga is practicing on a full stomach. When the body is actively digesting food, it diverts blood flow away from the muscles and organs needed for physical movement. This can lead to a sense of queasiness and discomfort. It’s important to wait at least 2-3 hours after eating before practicing yoga to give your body ample time to digest.


Another potential cause of post-yoga nausea is dehydration. When the body is not properly hydrated, it can struggle to regulate temperature and blood pressure, leading to feelings of lightheadedness and nausea. It’s important to drink water before, during, and after your yoga practice to keep your body hydrated and replenished.

Intense Poses

Certain yoga poses, such as inversions or deep backbends, can cause a sense of dizziness or nausea, particularly if you’re not familiar with or prepared for the intensity of the pose. It’s important to approach advanced poses gradually and with proper guidance from a certified yoga instructor to avoid any potential discomfort or injury.

Finally, there may be underlying medical conditions that contribute to nausea after yoga, such as vertigo or inner ear issues. It’s important to consult with a healthcare professional to rule out any potential health concerns and to ensure that yoga is safe for you to practice.

What Is the Negative Effect of Yoga?

Yoga is well known for its benefits like increased flexibility and reduced stress, but some people have reported experiencing negative effects.

One of the main negative effects is the potential for injury. Common injuries associated with yoga include strains, sprains, and even fractures. So, it is crucial to approach yoga cautiously and don’t put yourself in any discomfort. 

Another negative effect that some people may experience is on their mental health. Although yoga is usually praised for its ability to promote relaxation and reduce stress, some individuals may feel anxious or even depressed after practicing yoga. This might be due to feeling overwhelmed by the spiritual and philosophical elements of yoga or feeling inadequate in their practice. It’s important to be aware of this and to talk to a healthcare professional if you’re concerned.

Lastly, some individuals may find that yoga exacerbates pre-existing health conditions, such as chronic pain or certain musculoskeletal conditions. That’s why it’s important to consult with your healthcare provider before starting a yoga practice, especially if you have any underlying health concerns.

How Do I Stop Nausea After Yoga?

Feeling nauseous after yoga is necessary you follow these tips to stop nausea after yoga and feel healthy and fit.

First, make sure you’re drinking enough water before and after your yoga practice. Dehydration can make nausea worse. And don’t forget to eat something light before your yoga session to avoid practicing on an empty stomach.

During yoga, be mindful of your breathing, and don’t push yourself too hard.

After yoga, take it easy and let your body cool down slowly. Avoid sudden movements and don’t stand up too fast, as these can make you dizzy and nauseous.

And finally, try drinking a warm cup of ginger tea. It’s been known to help with nausea.

Yoga Modifications for Nausea

If you’re experiencing nausea during your yoga practice, there are several modifications you can make to help alleviate your symptoms. Here are some tips:

Practice gentle yoga poses

Start with simple, gentle poses such as seated forward folds, seated twists, or child’s pose. Avoid inverted poses such as a headstand or shoulder stand as they can aggravate nausea.

Keep your eyes open

Closing your eyes during yoga can sometimes make nausea worse. Try keeping your eyes open and focused on a single point to help stabilize your balance.

Take breaks

Take frequent breaks during your yoga practice to rest and recover. Lie down in savasana (corpse pose) or sit in a comfortable seated position until you feel ready to continue.

Modify breathing practices

Some breathing practices can make nausea worse. Instead, try slow, deep belly breathing or simply breathe normally.

Avoid eating before practice

Practicing yoga on a full stomach can contribute to nausea. Wait at least two hours after eating before starting your yoga practice.

Stay hydrated 

Drink plenty of water before, during, and after your yoga practice to help prevent dehydration, which can also contribute to nausea.

Remember to listen to your body and adjust your practice as needed. If your nausea persists, it’s always a good idea to consult a healthcare professional.


I hope after reading this article you got the answer to “Why does yoga make me nauseous”, feeling nauseous during or after yoga is a common complaint, and there are several reasons for it. Practicing yoga on a full stomach, dehydration, intense poses, and underlying medical conditions are some of the potential causes of post-yoga nausea. It’s essential to approach advanced poses gradually and with proper guidance from a certified yoga instructor. 

To alleviate nausea after yoga, it’s important to stay hydrated, eat something light before the yoga session, and be mindful of your breathing. In addition, there are yoga modifications you can make to help alleviate your symptoms, such as practicing gentle poses, keeping your eyes open, taking breaks, modifying breathing practices, and avoiding eating before practice. By following these tips, you can have a safe and enjoyable yoga practice.

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